Acne: Types, Causes & Treatment | Everything You Want to Know About Acne

Acne: Types, Causes & Treatment | Everything You Want to Know About Acne

Acne :Types, Causes and treatment

Acne is a common skin condition where people deal with pimples on the face. It is often associated with heredity and lifestyle. Our skin has tiny pores. These pores get blocked with oil, dust, bacteria, and dead skin cells.

This gives rise to pimples. Pimples can occur due to many reasons. If the pimple is recurring, it can be called acne. Acne can be painful, but it does not pose any health risk. Acne is a visible condition that many times leads to depression and anxiety.

People get conscious of their looks. Every person dealing with acne should remember that this condition can be treated and is not permanent.

Acne can be of different types:

  • Blackheads: The top of the pores get a dark color after getting exposed to the Oxygen in the air.
  • Whiteheads: They are under the skin and may appear pinkish.
  • Papules: These are small red-colored bumps that arise after inflammations or infections in the hair follicles.
  • Pustules: These are in the form of small pimples and contain pus.
  • Cysts: They are large. Filled with pus, they are located beneath the skin.

Acne may occur because of multiple reasons. Getting to the basics, every pore on our face has a follicle made up of hair and sebaceous gland. The sebaceous gland is the oil gland that releases oil or sebum.

This sebum travels up to the skin through the hair and keeps the skin lubricated. Sometimes, these pores can get blocked with excessive sebum production.

The other reasons can be dead skin accumulation and bacteria building up in the pores. It is advised to maintain a good skin routine when suffering from acne.

What natural products are suitable for acne?

Natural products are the first thing we can work with. A person suffering from acne should stop using chemical products and switch to natural alternatives. There are many natural products made exclusively for acne skin.

Waff Earth facewash is an excellent natural alternative for acne-prone skin. It is an entirely natural facewash and does not contain paraben, sulfate, or chemical preservative.

It comprises natural components such as cedarwood, pine, tea tree, and essential oils. Natural cleansers can be a great way to start your daily routine.

What works for acne?

This is difficult to answer as acne can be due to various causes. The first step toward acne treatment is identifying the root cause. Once you know it, you can start the treatment. People do hit and trials.

You can change your diet and eat only healthy food to see its effect. Change the skin routine and then notice the effect on acne. Change your lifestyle, like your sleeping and traveling pattern, and see the change.

If you cannot find the root cause, you can visit a dermatologist. Acne treatment can take time, but it will get better.

Can acne be a sign of something serious?

If your self-care remedies do not yield any result, you need to get a medical consultation. A sudden occurrence of acne can be a symptom of some underlying medical condition.

A dermatologist can help you in reducing acne scars. However, the acne may not completely disappear during treatment. It would help if you opted for natural skin care products and a healthy lifestyle.

What is the best acne treatment?

All the acne may not be the same. So, one treatment may not apply to every face. However, using natural products can be one of the best acne treatments. It will soothe down the flare-ups. Besides anti-acne skincare products such as natural face wash for acne, a healthy lifestyle is advisable.

Drinking a lot of water and sleeping on time are some of the lifestyle changes that help in acne. Different bodies and skin may have different requirements. So, you should adopt products and habits according to your body and skin type. You can get a range of natural personal care products with us.

We have used natural ingredients and essential oils in our products. Contact us to get anti-acne and other natural personal care products at affordable rates.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. What are the types of acne?

A. Acne can be of different types: Blackheads, Whiteheads, Papules, Pustules, and Cysts.

Q2. Are natural products suitable for acne?

A. Natural products are the first thing we can work with. A person suffering from acne should stop using chemical products and switch to natural alternatives. There are many natural products made exclusively for acne skin.

Q3. Can acne be a symptom of something else?

A. If your self-care remedies do not yield any result, you need to get a medical consultation. A sudden occurrence of acne can be a symptom of some underlying medical condition.


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